Thor: Love and Thunder, Thoughts
I don’t even know where to begin! What the fuck Waititi? Are you paying attention to the final product, like at all??? The whole thing was bland as fuck! How did you manage to break down a character that you yourself helped build up? Thor became so much of a joke! I don’t recognize the character I’d come to watch in theatres at all! That was the whole reason for this movie, to see Thor’s evolution, because he has always had the most compelling character arc for me! But in this movie? We go back to a sillier version of him that doesn’t seem to have lost a brother or a home, an entire family, or a sense of identity. And we’re supposed to believe that he finds all of this in Jane? Or later on, in his newfound daughter/apprentice? Where is the growth? Where is the work? What hard decisions does he have to make? He’s just along for the ride on this one! But he is the title character!!!
And then there’s all the bullshit that slid under your radar. The child army that Thor recruits. That is NOT empowering!!! Children that young should not be glorifying war or killing! They should not know what it means to kill a thing that used to be alive, regardless of how evil it is! That they do it with joy, and that you involve one child’s toy bunny is fucked up! Duuuuuude!!!!! Duuuuuuuude!!! That is fucked up! And then you continue on by giving Thor’s niece/daughter a life of killing?? Who cares if she’s a god? She should still have a childhood! She deserves one!!
I’m kind of through with your movies, and Marvel in general, for a good while. But I’ll add this. I think it’s also fucked up in a more subtle way that all of your “bad guys” are either women or effeminate men (Zeus’ skirt and unwillingness to confront, and Gorr’s dress). I don’t know if this was intentional, but it vilifies femininity in men! Contrasted with Thor’s bulging muscles and confrontational attitude? Why? Just… why? Why did you make this movie? Stop! Just stop!